Opening and Closing films of the 3rd Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival are announced.
The 3rd Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival ( EJFF) will take place on October, 12–17, at the Yeltsin Center and the House of Cinema.
The 3rd Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival's Organizing committee announces the cancellation of the festival.
Были утверждены мероприятия образовательной программы 2-го Екатеринбургского Еврейского Кинофестиваля
2-й Екатеринбургский Еврейский Кинофестиваль состоится 18 - 21 ноября 2017 сразу на нескольких культурных площадках Екатеринбурга, одна из них - это кинотеатр Дом Кино
The results of the audience voting of the festival have been announced. The winner is "Bobby Jean".
Educational events of the 3rd Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival are announced.
Винная дегустация в рамках 2 ЕЕКВ пройдет в Ted-Cafe и будет приурочена к тематике фильма "В поисках израильской кухни".
Завершающим фильмом 2-го Екатеринбургского Еврейского Кинофестиваля станет "Вечерний рассвет" Криса Крауса
2-й Екатеринбургский Еврейский Кинофестиваль пройдёт в Екатеринбурге с 18 по 21 ноября
Russian premiere of "Birobidzhan", a film by Guy-Marc Hinant, will take place at the EJFF
The Festival will be closed by a Paweł Pawlikowski’s work that won the 2015 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
Eight shortlisted contenders for “Short films” competition category of the 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival have been revealed.
Monica Haim's documentary that explores connection between Judaism and Rastafari culture comes to Ekaterinburg.
The EJFF program will be hosted by Karo 10 Raduga Park cinema.
The 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival will be held from November 20 to November 23 in Ekaterinburg, announced the Festival’s Press Department quoting its executive producer Egor Odintsov.
The 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival will take place in Yeltsin-Center.
A Tale of Love and Darkness», Natalie Portman’s directorial debut, will become the opening film of the 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival.
Genesis Philanthropy Group will support the 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival by becoming its general partner.
The 1st Ekaterinburg Jewish Film Festival is possible due to Best Practices competition that was won by the Festival’s organizers together with Hillel Ekaterinburg, a Jewish campus organization.